Senin, 16 Januari 2012

lesson plan


Name of school : MA Rohmaniyyah Mranggen

Subject : Physics

Unit / chapter : 4

Hioghligth : Momentum and Impuls

Class / Semester : XI / I

Allocation of Time : 2 x 45 Minute

A. Competency Standart

Analyzing natur phenomena and rule of mechanics object center

B. Basic Competencies

Indicate relating between impulse consept and momentum for solving the problem

C. Indicator

1. Formulate the impulse consepts and momentum, relating between and its application in everyday life (ex. The rocket )

2. Formulate the law of momewntum conservation for system without force outside

D. Learning Objectives

1. Student can formulate the impulse consepts and momentum, relating between and its application in everyday life (ex, the rocket)

2. student can formulate the law of momentum conservation for system without force outside.

E. Learning Materials

Momentum and Impuls

· Equation Impuls

· Equation Momentum

· Relation of Impulse and Momentum

F. Learning Methods

1. Lecture

2. Practics

3. FAQ

G. Learning Step Activities

Implementasi of learning


1. Activities introduction

- Provide greeting

- Check for the presence for students

- Apreseption of momentum and impuls

15 minutes

2. Core understanding

a. Exploration

- Describes material on momentum and impuls

- Invitis students to be active in teaching and learning Activities

b. Elaboration

- Guiding students in understanding the momentum and impuls

- Explain to the students about the laws relating to momentum and impuls and it application in everyday life

c. Confirm

- Students understanding and provide reinforcement materials have been delivered

- Answering question of students who expresience difficulties during learning

60 minutes

3. Closing activities

- Teacher and students jointly draw the conclution of the study

- Provide home work to students

- Provide cover greetings

15 minutes

H. Appraisal

- Written

- Task Individuals / Groups

I. Learning Resources

Book BSE Physics Class XI High School ,Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 , pages 109- 122

Semarang,October 19,2011

Knowing ,

Principal Theacher Physics

Shodikin, M.Pd. Siti Aminah, C.S.Pd

NIP:1982 10226 5678997 NPM : 09330164

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